Expert Advisor Studio ~ Some features

Expert Advisor Studio ~ Some features

# Expert Advisor Studio ~ We updated some features of Fintechee.

We updated some features of expert advisor studio of Fintechee, so I needed to focusing on developing, did not trade at all recently.

# The deinit callback function will be run just for the EAs of that the status is "running".

I posted an article several days ago: It's not a bug

Fintechee ran the deinit callback function for all EAs of that the status is "started" or "running" when you restart a backtesting process.

If the deinit function's logic is complex and it takes time to run, the process will waste time even if there is no need to run the deinit for a new turn of backtesting.

So, after the revison, the deinit callback function will be run just for the EAs of that the status is "running".

I think it's not easy to understand for the beginners who just started using Fintechee. But it doesn't matter. I will write a new document to explain more about the process of backtesting.

We started trading since Feb 17th, 2020(next Monday). Please feel free to track our trading records.

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