It's not a bug.
# It's not a bug.
Neural Network EAs on expert advisor studio are used by Mark Sea to analyze the market. This post is to explain the reason of an issue that you may encounter.
# Maybe you have met some issues that at the beginning of replaying the historical data.
The backtesting process was blocked for a while and showed you some message, such as "The backtesting is done successfully.". You may think that why the message prompted to show you that backtesting has been done even you just started the testing.
The reason is that at the beginning of backtesting, Fintechee will release some resources and stop all the EAs that have been started and restart them again. While stopping the EAs, the Deinit callback function will be called. In the callback function, the message that said "The backtesting is done successfully." was prompted. And, if you are using "sample_training_neural_network", the Deinit callback function will execute the process of training for generating the model of neural network. It takes time. That's why the process may be blocked for a while.
# So it's not a bug.
It's just the normal steps of a process to execute the backtesting.
The Neural Network EA mentioned in the article(Sample EA Neural Network) is used by the blogger(Mark Sea) to analyze the market movements. The parameters and the indicators may be reset, but the algorithms will NOT be modified.
# The concept of Neural Network EA is difficult for a new trader.
So I recommend you to check our another article to know more details, there is a tutorial video there: Algorithms for Trading.
We started trading since Feb 17th, 2020. Please feel free to track our trading records.
- Fintechee WEB Trader
- Account ID: 875730
- Investor Password: 1